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Environmental Concepts as Learning Media

The term media comes from the Latin which is a plural form of "medium" which literally means an intermediary or introduction. The general meaning of the media is anything that can channel information from information sources to recipients of information. The term media is very popular in the field of communication. The learning process is basically also a communication process, so the media used in learning are called learning media.
Environmental Concepts as Learning Media

Learning media are all things that can be used to stimulate the thoughts, feelings, attention and abilities or skills of participants so that they can encourage the learning process in the learning participants. In the beginning the media only functioned as visual aids in learning activities, namely in the form of a means that quickly provided visual experience to participants, among others to encourage motivation, clarify and facilitate abstract concepts and enhance learning absorption.

With the inclusion of the influence of audio technology, audio visual aids were born which mainly emphasized the use of concrete experiences to avoid verbalism.

In the Indonesian General Dictionary (KUBI), the environment is defined as a circular circle. Another understanding is that all that is in an area.

Environment-based media is a learning medium that makes the environment around students a learning resource. Educational media is very important to support the achievement of educational goals. Hamalik (2004: 194) in his theory "Return to Nature" shows how important the influence of nature on the development of students. Hamalik (2004: 195) Environment (environment) as the basis of teaching is a conditional factor that influences individual behavior and is an important learning factor.

By studying nature it is expected that students can better understand teaching materials, more than that can foster awareness, love of nature, may also participate to overcome this, for example by protecting and preserving the environment. In natural science (science) subjects, students are asked to study the natural environment around their homes or around schools, they are asked to record and study natural phenomena such as air temperature, plant species, animal species, both individually and in groups through activities observe, ask experts, prove yourself or try it. Students will certainly get something very valuable from their learning activities that might not be found from the learning experience in everyday school. Learning activities that use this environment can be carried out during scheduled study hours or outside of study hours or can also be carried out at special times,

Learning does not have to use books as learning media we can use the environment as learning media. Teaching does not have to convey material. when in the classroom students often feel that the task is saturated instructor how do we make the learning process more active.

The environment as a learning medium has three elements namely: living things (biotic), inanimate objects (abiotic), and human culture.

The environment as an educational media is a conditional factor that influences individual behavior and is an important learning factor. The environment around students can be used as a source of learning. The environment includes the community around the school, the physical environment around the school, the materials that are left or not used, the materials used and if processed can be used as a source or aid in learning, as well as natural events and events that occur in the community.

So, environmental learning media is an understanding of certain symptoms or behaviors of objects or scientific observations of something around as teaching material for students before and after receiving material from school by bringing experiences and discoveries with what they encounter in their environment.

Learning by using the school environment as a medium
learning is a learning process that provides
direct experience to students, so students are motivated, active, creative, innovative, independent, and responsible for themselves and still maintain the environment.

Environment-based learning is a learning that uses learning objects as real experiences, observes directly, obtains data accurately, and can learn independently or in a group. Environments that can be used as learning media are categorized into three types, namely social environment, natural environment , and artificial environment.

Social environment as a source of learning regarding
with human interaction in social life, such as social organization activities, customs, livelihoods, culture, education, population, governance structures, religion, and value systems. In learning practices the use of the social environment as
media and learning resources should start from the most environment
close, like family, neighbors, neighborhood, neighborhood, village,
village, sub-district, and so on. The use of this environment must be adapted to the applicable curriculum and the level of student development.

Natural environment is everything that is natural (natural) such as geographical conditions, climate, air temperature, season, rainfall, flora (plants), fauna (animals), and natural resources (water, forests, soil, rocks and etc). These aspects of the natural environment can be learned directly by students in certain ways.

By studying the natural environment it is expected that students in learning activities can better understand the material at school and can foster love for nature, awareness to preserve and preserve the environment, participate in overcoming environmental damage and pollution, and still preserve the ability of natural resources for human life. In addition to the natural and social environment and natural environment, there is also an artificial environment, which is an environment that is intentionally made by humans with certain goals that benefit human life. This artificial environment such as school parks, zoos, city parks, plantations, parks, irrigation, dams, power plants, and so on. Students can learn the artificial environment from various aspects, such as the process, its use, function, maintenance, carrying capacity.