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Definition of Madrasah Based Management

Departing from the promulgation of Law Number 32 of 2004 concerning regional government, in the implementation of regional education development it should also refer to these laws and regulations, relating to the implementation of greater regional autonomy as mandated by the 1945 Constitution and Law No. 32 of 2004, which is both a challenge and an opportunity. for education managers in autonomous regions to creatively develop schools.
Definition of Madrasah Based Management

With MBM, the head of madrasah can organize and manage madrasah in accordance with the interests of the community he serves (stekeholder), according to his own initiative.
1. Definition of Management
Etymologically, management comes from Latin, which is the origin of the word "manus" which means hand and "egre" which means to do. In English, management comes from the word "to manage" which means to manage. In Arabic, management is synonymous with the word "dabbara, yudabbiru, tdbiiran" which means directing, managing, implementing, executing, managing, and taking care of.
 Definition of Management According to Experts
- According to G.R Terry (2009: 1) Management is: a process consisting of planning, organizing, movement of implementation, and supervision, by utilizing both science and art, in order to complete the goals previously set
- According to Hoorold Konnzt and Cryild Onnel (1992), management is related to the achievement of something that is done through and with other people or efforts to achieve a certain goal through the activities of others.
- Management is: a series of all activities that show a collaborative effort between two or more people to achieve a predetermined goal.
- Management is the process of using resources effectively to achieve goals.

2. Definition of Madrasah
The word "Madrasah" in Arabic is the adverb form of the place (zaraf makan) from the root word "darasa". Literally "madrasah" is defined as "a place for students to study," a book to be studied "or a place to study". The word "al-midras" is also defined as "a house for studying the Tauroth book". The word "madrasah" is also found in Hebrew or Aramy, from the same root, namely "darasa", which means "to read and study" or "seat of study". Of the two languages, the word "madrasa" has the same meaning: "place of learning". If translated into Indonesian, the word "madrasah" means "school" although initially the word "school" did not mean Indonesian, but from a foreign language, namely School and scola.

 Understanding Madrasah According to Experts
- History experts of Islamic education such as Nakosteen and Azumardi Azra, said that Madrasas refer to other institutions of higher education in the pre-modern (classical) Islamic world, it can be concluded with three fundamental differences namely: (1) referring to a group of students, (2) refers to a building where learning activities are carried out, and to (3) a teaching permit (ijazah attadris).
- Institutions for learning and teaching as well as places for receiving and giving lessons.

3. Definition of Madrasah Based Management (MBM) according to the Experts
- According to Suharsimi (2008: 4) MBM is: a series of activities in the form of a business processing process for a group of people who are members of an educational organization to achieve educational goals that have been determined to be effective and efficient.
- According to Syamsuddin (1999) MBM is: an alternative management of Madrasahs in the context of decentralization in the education sector which allows for broad autonomy at the Madrasah level.
- According to Wohlstetter and Mohran (1996), the broad definition of MBM is: A political approach to redesigning school organizations by giving authority and power to Madrasah participation at the local level in order to advance their madrasah.
- According to Myers and Stonehhil (1993) MBM is; strategies to improve education to transfer decision-making authority individually.
- MBM is a strategy to improve education by transferring important decision-making powers from the central and local governments to school administrators.

4. Understanding Madrasah Based Management According to the Speakers
Madrasah Based Management is: a Madrasah management model by giving more authority at the madrasah level to directly manage its own madrasah. The authority of the madrasa is due to a shift in power from the central or regional government to the Madrasa directly in the management of the madrasa. With this large authority, the school has autonomy, responsibility, and participation in determining madrasah programs.