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Madrasah Based Management Characteristics

In Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System, education is the joint responsibility of the government, parents and the community. Therefore the interaction of parents and the community in education becomes a necessity.
Madrasah Based Management Characteristics

Madrasahs that implement MBM are the ones that effectively run all of their programs, so that they have a reliable quality. So a quality madrasa should be an effective madrasa. Madrasah is also a system, so a systems approach (input-process-output) will be used to determine.
So MBM has a limit, namely MBM, namely:

Educator Input Review
Enter education in the following matters:
a) Have a clear quality policy, objectives and objectives
b) Students as the main input
c) Have a clear quality policy, goals and objectives
d) Resources are available and ready
e) High component and detected properties
f) Have high achievement expectations.

Educator Process Review
Effective school in general
a) Highly effective teaching-learning process
b) Strong madrasah leadership
c) Effective management of teaching staff
d) High participation from madrasa citizens and the community
e) Able to develop and develop good communication and anti-passive to needs
f) Responsive Madrasah

Education Outpun Review
Schools must have the expected results, namely;
a) High student achievement, as a result of quality PBM
b) School achievements (academic and non academic)

Mission Madrasah
Madrasahs with MBM have aspirations to run madrasas to represent a group of shared hopes, beliefs and values ​​of madrasahs, guide school members in educational activities and provide direction for work. If we want our madrasas to mangrove to provide good quality services for diverse and complex educational needs, the organizational culture must be developed by madrasah residents for the sake of their own madrasas.

The Nature of School Activities
The essence of madrasah activities means carrying out its educational activities based on the needs, needs and situation of the madrasah. The essence of MBM activities is very important to improve education. This indirectly increases the change in madrasah management from an external control management model, only implementing tasks based on the policies of the central authority.

Management Strategies
In MBM has a management strategy, including its management, namely:
- Self-actualization
Driven to be what you are, self-fulfillment, personal growth and development, the opportunity to fulfill one's basic potential, to become more of a natural self
- Self-appreciation
Status, recognition, attention, self-esteem, autonomy, achievement, ego and status, need for appreciation, participation, prestige, self-esteem, independent thought and action, privilege, authority and professional group members
- Social Leadership
Needs for love, leadership, acceptance and friendship, need for love and caring relationships, trust, friendship feedback, discussion, information, appreciation and security
- Sense of secure
The need for security and protection from emotional and physical disorders, health insurance, routine, additional benefits, stability, financial rewards and security
- Philosophical Needs
Basic food needs, shelter, sexual needs, clothing, and other physical needs.

Use of Resources
MBM gives flexibility to madrasahs to have greater autonomy in procuring and using resources. Thus self-budgeting allows to use its resources effectively based on and their needs in order to solve problems that arise and to achieve madarasah goals.

The Role of School Citizens
The role of school members is directly or indirectly determined by government management policies, the mission of the school, the nature of activities, etc. Changing the MBM model requires the active role of madrasahs, administrators, teachers, parents from the beginning.
- The role of the mandrasa
MBM aims to develop students, teachers and schools according to madarasah's own categories. Therefore the role of the madrasa is to develop, solve problems, and explore everything needed to facilitate teacher effectiveness and student learning effectiveness.
- The role of the education department
In MBM the key actors are madarasah and the role of the central authority (Ministry of Education) is only as a supporter (supporter) or advisor (advisor) who helps madrasah to develop resources specifically for carrying out effective teaching activities
- The role of administrators
The role of administrators in MBM is as a development and leader in achieving goals. They develop new goals for madarash according to their situations and needs.
- The role of the teachers
In MBM the teacher's role is a colleague, decision-making, and implementer. They collaborate and commit together and participate in decision making to promote effective teaching and develop their madrasa with enthusiasm.
- The role of parents
In MBM, parents receive quality service through students who receive the education they need. The role of parents as partners and supporters. They can participate in the madrasah process, educate students cooperatively, try to foster healthy development of the madrasah by contributing resources and information.

Interpersonal relationships
In terms of MBM, it emphasizes the relationship between people that tends to be open, cooperation, team spirit, and mutually beneficial commitment. Therefore, organizational climate tends to lead to commitment types.

quality of Administrators
In the MBM model, madrasahs have certain autonomy. participation and development are seen as important in dealing with complex educational tasks in achieving educational activities. The requirement for qualified administrators is that they must not only be equipped with modern management knowledge and techniques to develop human resources and other resources. Administrators must also learn and grow continuously to determine and solve problems for the advancement of madrasas.