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Communication Process in Learning

Media is the plural of medium, which means intermediary. In a communication process, the media is only one of four components that must be present. Other components, namely the source of information, information and recipients of information.
Communication Process in Learning

Learning is essentially a communication process. Through the communication process, messages can be received, absorbed, and lived by the recipient of the message, so that in order to avoid mistakes in the communication process, it is necessary to use means that can assist in the communication process. 

In class learning, the tools or facilities used to facilitate communication are called learning media. The components contained in the communication process are messages, message sources, channels or media, and message recipients.

There are three communication patterns that can be used to foster or develop dynamic interactions between teachers and students (Nana Sudjana: 1989).

a. Communication as action or one-way communication. In this communication the teacher acts as the giver of the action and students as the recipient of the action. Active teachers and passive students. The lecture is basically one-way communication or communication as one-way or communication as action. Communication like this does not bring much student activity to life.

b. Communication as interaction or two-way communication. In this communication the teacher and students have the same role, namely the giver and receiver of the action or. This communication is better than the first communication, because the activities of the teacher teacher and student activities are relatively the same.

c. Communication in many directions or communication as a transaction. Communication that not only involves dynamic interaction between the teacher and students but also involves dynamic interaction between students with other students. This kind of activism leads to a learning process that leads to learning that develops optimal student activities so that students foster active learning. Simulation discussion is a strategy that can develop this communication.