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Principles of Development of Environment-Based Media

In the environment-based learning process has several environment-based:
Principles of Development of Environment-Based Media

1. Focus on child development
Educational success can be measured to the extent to which children can develop, identify, and optimize children's potential according to the characteristics of development. Therefore the success of the environment-based learning process lies in increasing the optimization of all the potential for children's development by making the environment a source of learning.

2. Building children's independence
In everyday life children are expected to be able to build and develop disciplinary abilities, and socialization in order to form a strong character of independence. In the environment-based learning process, children will be confronted with life problems, so that children can try to solve problems both individually and in groups
3. Learn and play from the environment
Through play, learning experienced by children will become more interesting, and fun.

4. Learning uses a thematic approach
Learning using themes is one of the learning approaches based on the main ideas about children and the environment. Through learning themes can provide direct experience about real ojeg for children to foster a comprehensive way of thinking.

5. Develop the habit of scientific thinking early on.
Introduce and familiarize children to find various problems that exist in their environment and think to find a solution.

6. Active, inspiring, interesting, creative and innovative learning
Learning is prepared to build children's curiosity, motivate children to think critically and discover new things.