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Madrasah Education Management

The term management comes from the English language from the word to manage which means to manage, manage, implement, manage and treat. In Islam, there is the same meaning is al-tadbir (arrangement). This word is a derivation of the word dabbara (regulate) which is found in the Qur'an as the word of Allah SWT which means He arranges affairs from heaven to earth, then (affairs) rises to him in one day whose levels are a thousand years according to your calculations [ 1190]
Madrasah Education Management

[1190] The purpose of the affair was ascended to him was the news which was carried by angels. this verse is an illustration of the greatness of God and His majesty.

The above verse explains that Allah is the regulator of nature (manager). The regularity of the universe is proof of the greatness of Allah SWT in managing the universe. But in this context Allah has created humans and made as a caliph (leader) on earth. So, humans are given the task and responsibility to regulate and manage the earth as well as possible - as God governs the universe and its contents. Islamic teaching instructs its people to be able to do all good activities that must be carried out neatly, correctly, in an orderly, and orderly manner in accordance with the process ordered.

G.R. Terry (1986) - as quoted by Malayu SP Hasibuan (1996) - views management as a process, as follows: "Management is a distinct process consisting of planning, organizing, acting and controlling performed to determine and accomplished objectives by the use of human being and other resources ". Meanwhile, Malayu S.P. Hasibuan (1995) in his book "Human Resource Management" argues that management is the science and art of regulating the process of utilizing human resources and other resources effectively and efficiently to achieve certain goals.

Management is then interpreted as a series of integrated steps to develop an organization as a socio-economic-technical system; where the system is a dynamic unit consisting of organically related parts; dynamic means moving, developing towards a goal; socio (social) means that those who move within and who move the system are humans; economic means the activities in the system aim to meet human needs; and technical means that in certain activities assets, tools and means are used.

Thus, management is a necessary requirement to facilitate the achievement of human objectives in the organization, as well as managing various organizational resources, such as facilities and infrastructure, time, human resources, methods and others effectively, innovative, creative, solutive, and efficient. Madrasah Ibtidaiyah as part of the national education provider is currently required to be able to conduct education in accordance with national education standards formulated by the government. The standardization referred to in PP number 19 of 2005 includes standards for educators of teaching staff, process standards, facilities and infrastructure standards, management standards, graduate competency standards and assessment standards. The management of education underwent a paradigm shift from centralization to decentralization. The tangible manifestation of the change was the birth of two laws namely Law number 22 of 1999 concerning regional autonomy and Law number 25 of 1999 concerning the balance of central and regional finances essentially giving authority and flexibility to the regions to regulate and take care of the interests of the local community according to their own initiatives based on community aspirations in accordance with the regulations of the Act. The authority is given to regencies and cities based on the principle of decentralization in the form of broad, real and responsible autonomy.

In the context of regional autonomy as well as the decentralization of education, madrasa education seeks to integrate itself in this policy. Although up to now there has not been a binding policy regarding the position of madrassas within the framework of regional autonomy, but with the letter of the minister of religion sent to the minister of interior and regional autonomy, No. MA / 402/2000 regarding the authority of the implementation of religious education in public schools and the administration of madrassas submitted to regency / city areas in accordance with regional decentralization principles, the position of madrasas is increasingly clear, although it is recognized that the problem has not yet been fully resolved.

The management of education in madrasas has three approaches namely; First symbolically we will be able to differentiate in madrassas students wearing headscarves and students wearing panajang pants as well as their teachers. Second, substantial is the education of madrasa is a public school characterized by Islam with the subjects of the Koran, Hadith, Fiqh, Morals, Islamic Cultural History, and Arabic language and Islamic religious atmosphere in the form of a religious madrasa atmosphere of religious facilities, methods religious approach in the presentation of learning material and morality, in the context of directing, guiding, fostering and giving birth to qualified madrasa education capable of developing cognitive, effective and psychomotor, in addition to meeting teachers based on applicable regulations. Third Institutionally Madrasa especially the State is under the auspices of the Ministry of Religion. Madrasa is an educational unit as in article 51 of Law number 20 of 2003 explained that the management of early childhood, elementary and secondary education units is carried out based on minimum service standards with the principles of school / madrasah management.

So that madrasah madrasah education management can be interpreted as an activity in the form of a collaborative management business process of a group of people who are members of an educational organization to achieve educational goals by utilizing human resources and other resources effectively and efficiently to achieve certain goals in the implementation of education in madrasah ibtidaiyah.