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Islamic Education Management System

An Islamic education management system (Madrasa) ideally must have proper administrative activities and management mechanisms, because without both of them it will be difficult to obtain maximum results.
Islamic Education Management System

Madrasas as Islamic educational institutions in their management require systematic coordination of activities, such as planning, organizing, leadership, and supervision, as well as continuous development efforts.

Efforts to realize Islamic education that is consistent with the vision and mission require practical steps. Islamic Education Institutions (Madrasas) are required to make strategic changes in the field of management.

In this case madrasa leaders are required to have strong vision, mission, responsibility, insight, and managerial skills. He should be able to play a role as a locomotive of change towards the creation of quality madrassas.

For this purpose, the madarsah management paradigm must experience a shift from the old paradigm to the new paradigm, as revealed by Rahim, namely:
1. From a subordinate position to an autonomous position.
2. From a centralized strategy to a decentralized strategy.
3. From authoritative decision making to participatory decision.
4. From a bureaucratic approach to a professional approach.
5. From the uniformity model to the diversity model.
6. From a rigid practical step to a flexible practical step.
7. From the habit is set to the initiative initiative.
8. From regulation to deregulation.
9. From the ability to control to the ability to influence.
10. From watching preferences to facilitating preferences.
11. From fear of risk to the courage to manage risk.
12. From individual financing to efficient financing.
13. From individual intelligence to collective / team intelligence.
14. From closed information to shared / open information.
15. From delegation to empowerment.
16. From hierarchical organizations to egalitarian organizations.

With the management paradigm above, madrasa leaders are required to take steps towards the realization of madrasa vision and mission: religious, populist, quality, and diverse, among the steps referred to are:
1. build strong madrasa leadership by increasing coordination, mobilizing all madrasa components, synergizing all potentials, and daring to take initiatives in reform.
2. Running madrasa management that is open in making decisions and financial use.
3. Developing a solid, smart and dynamic work team.
4. Strive for the independence of madrassas to take the best steps for madrassas.
5. Creating an effective learning process, and high enthusiasm in carrying out the task.