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Strategies for Handling When the Covid Virus Pandemic 19

The corona virus has caused worldwide shock. This very dangerous new virus could cause millions of people in the world to die. Although only 150 nanometers in size this virus can be deadly. It is said that this virus was found in Wuhan, China from the market there. Eventually it began to spread to about 200 worlds on earth. WHO has also announced if this virus has become a pandemic. Finally, China locked down the country so that the spread was not too widespread. The schools were closed.
Strategies for Handling When the Covid Virus Pandemic 19

What is lockdown ?? Lockdown is the closing access in and out of the affected area. But Indonesia did not do a lockdown but instead quarantined the territory or social distancing. Why is that? Because it turns out that health quarantine already exists in Indonesian regulations, namely in Law number 6 of 2018 concerning health quarantine.

In Indonesia this virus was detected at the end of March, which is more precisely located in the area of ​​Depok, West Java. From day to day covid-19 patients multiply and begin to spread to all regions. The most common case of Covid-19 is in the DKI Jakarta area and therefore DKI Jakarta has become the red zone affected by this virus.

In Indonesia alone, as of May 13, the number of cases affected by Covid-19 totaled 14,749 cases, 3,063 healed and 1,007 died. Many medical workers who are struggling to save lives of people infected with this virus have died in dealing with patients. There was even a medical officer who was expelled from his boarding because the boarding house was afraid that later it would spread everywhere. And there are also the bodies of medical officers who were refused residents to be buried in the cemetery. It's sad to see this. Actually we have to unite to fight this virus instead of opposing medical staff who have struggled to save people's lives and put their lives for that person.

One day the President announced that what had previously been social distancing or physical distancing became PSBB (Large-Scale Social Restrictions) because of the increasing number of covid-19 patients in Indonesia. However, from the existence of this PSBB there are adverse effects that arise for example, Unemployment increased because many companies began to reduce their employees because they were unable to pay so many employees during this pandemic that certainly had an impact on office finance.

PSBB has been conducted in several areas, one of which is in Surabaya. Surabaya imposed this PSBB since April 28 and ended May 11, 2020. Even though PSBB has been enacted, people still violate the rules that are made, for example clustered in coffee shops, not wearing masks. As a result, there are still many people who violate this rule, and more and more patients are infected with covid-19 in Indonesia, so that the PSBB which is enforced in Surabaya is extended until May 25, 2020. Hopefully with this PSBB covid-19 transmission can stop and no longer increase. contracting this plague. Hopefully with this PSBB the corona virus transmission can be interrupted and this outbreak will soon disappear from the face of the earth. Putri Indriyanti