OJS Electronic Journal Indexing Strategies
General Strategy Indexation Online journals that contain minimum information about the name of the journal must be in accordance with the ISSN name, volume and number following the international journal platform. It is recommended that each article has a unique URL address Example: DOI from Crossref, Abstract page contains: date submitted, revised, and accepted for publication, Call for Paper Authors in SCOPUS or SCIENCEDIRECT, Journal Operations according to the Ejournal Management System online (e.g. Open Journal System)
The benefit of indexing institutions for the journals that we manage is to be able to increase traffic, both traffic downloaded visitors and citations, because with the journal database that we manage in some indexers, the greater the chances of articles that we have more visited.
Besides indexing institutions are also baro meters or one that will be an assessment of the quality of journals or articles that we have published, therefore it is very important for us as journal managers to pay attention to this.
The most important preparation is done before making or registering our journal institution indexer, even though the indexing institution has technically different rules. The strategy that we mean is based on my experience namely:
1. Make sure the OJS has published an article, this requirement varies depending on the indexing institution that we are aiming for because there are those who hint that there must be a minimum of 2 numbers and there must also be a minimum of 2 years (see the indexing rules of each)
2. Naming journals must be consistent with the name ISSN
3. Make sure you meet the minimum requirements in OJS, for example Editorial Team, Reviewers, journal policies, guidelines and rules in the OJS system that we manage.
4. It is recommended to already have a DOI or Digital Object Identifier
5. Make sure you are active and others
If we fulfill all the minimum requirements in the OJS that we manage, it will be easy for us to register with several indexers because several indexing institutions have their respective requirements and require sufficient time for each of them.
As for some indexing institutions that we often encounter in a number of journals namely