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Male dancer, often said to be effeminate and reviled

Dance is an art that is expressed through body movements. Dance in the form of Traditional Dance, Modern Dance and Creative Dance. Speaking of art, art is universal which means it can be done by everyone. In the life of art do not look at gender because there is also the art of crossgender, religion adhered to, even the social status of the performer of the art. Likewise in dance, there are no female dances born for women or male dances born for men. However, in dance there are movements known as feminine movements and masculine movements. This feminine movement is often mistaken by today's society as a women's movement. In fact, feminine motion itself means movements that have a narrower volume of motion. This movement is often found in Javanese Traditional Halusan Dance such as Serimpi Indigenous Dance, Gambyong Indigenous Dance, and Wira Pertiwi Indigenous Dance.
Male dancer, often said to be effeminate and reviled

The wrong thinking then gave birth to other thoughts which assume that feminine movements should only be done by women, whereas masculine movements should only be done by men. Men who dance with feminine movements will be seen as inappropriate and not a few people who call him a sissy. Though dance is universal, in fact it can be done by everyone, but not everyone can dance. Like it, not all women can move feminine and not all men can do masculine movements. And in fact, not all male dancers behave effeminate in their daily lives. They just want to work with totality and professionalism.

Indonesia is known for its diversity, especially in the field of dance. Some dances have feminine movements and some have masculine movements. If a feminine dance can only be performed by women then it is difficult to find women who can dance with a feminine, then it is possible that there could be an abundance that could even become the extinction of the feminine dance. Vice versa if it occurs in dance with masculine movements.

In Indonesia, there are several dances that are used as rituals by certain people, wherein the ritual should not be attended by menstruating women. Thus, female dancers who are menstruating are not allowed to dance in the ritual so they are replaced by male dancers. Therefore, it is not surprising that many male dancers appear because they can dance in all places and situations.

Nowadays, dance can be used as an educational tool for everyone. Including feminine men and masculine women. They no longer need to shut down because of their shortcomings in feminine or masculine behavior, because art accepts all types and classes of society.

Male dancers have existed since time immemorial, but now they don't seem to have a proper place in the eyes of their community. The lack of insight into art and the thinking that engages art with religion gives rise to various views. Though Islam itself looks at art very wisely. Many male artists or dancers are from Indonesia, including crossgender dancers. The community is expected to be more respectful of art and art performers, especially male dancers. No need to chide them with inappropriate titles, because this can damage the mentality of someone who wants to work. They just want to express themselves and preserve culture, not to violate nature and act. Irma Setya Ningsih