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Control of population growth through a dynamic family planning program (dynamic KB)

At present, the population problem in Indonesia is a problem that is very attractive to the government to be immediately addressed. According to the Statistics Agency, Indonesia is one of the countries with a high population growth rate. This shows that there are still many challenges for the government in the field of population in the future, namely how the government should improve the welfare of the people with the state of society that is always increasing every year.
Control of population growth through a dynamic family planning program (dynamic KB)

Control of population growth can be interpreted as an activity to limit population growth, namely in general by reducing the number of births in order to achieve goals related to population growth. The relatively high population growth rate is due to the still high birth rate on the one hand and the faster decline in mortality on the other. This is the reason why Indonesia's population continues to increase rapidly. Another problem is the uneven distribution of Indonesia's population. This uneven distribution of population is caused by different geographical conditions in each region.

To overcome this problem, the government took the initiative to organize a Family Planning (KB) program. Family Planning is an effort to plan a family, namely planning a pregnancy, birth spacing, and how to apply about family functions. Not just an ordinary KB, now the government is making a new innovation called the "Dynamic KB Program". I have read that this program already exists in Pringsewu District, precisely in the Lampung area. The Dynamic Family Planning Program is a program that the government created, where in the program there are various medical activities such as the use and release of contraceptive contraception, there are various counseling related to reproductive health, and there is also a service for the community if anyone wants to consult on health issues

The mechanism of this program activity is that the government is like picking up the ball, because of its dynamic nature. So the government does not only stand by, but the government is directly involved in society. There are various facilities in this program, namely the various facilities have been mobilized by the government for people who want to participate in this family planning program, and there is no fee at all. to hold or minimize the birth rate and to anticipate the rate of population growth which is increasing. The activities of this dynamic family planning program are carried out by family planning bodies by providing family planning services in each village or sub-district. This activity involved a number of medical experts such as extension workers from the Health Service, medical experts from the Puskesmas, etc.

Every program created by the government must have differences between one another. The difference between this program and other programs is that in the Dynamic Family Planning Program there are activities that not only provide counseling, but there are several other activities that are also included in this dynamic family planning service, namely interviews to find out whether or not there are side effects of complications and failures in use of KB. If found, then immediately followed up in accordance with the instructions set. Observations made to determine the possibility of side effects, and counseling activities. Counseling is considered necessary in providing information to improve adherence to the use of contraceptive devices and drugs, how to recognize the emergence of side effects, implication and failure to use contraception and how to overcome them.

In addition, this Dynamic KB is certainly dynamic, not static. That is, the program created was to pick the ball. Officers will come to an area or village, where the Dynamic KB program will be held, so that people do not have to go far to the midwife's house or the local hospital. This makes it easy for the community to participate in this program. The Dynamic KB Program also provides facilities such as mini buses for people whose homes are slightly apart from the service location. Because of its dynamic nature, this program can be held at any time apart from the schedule that was previously made.

The presence of the program created expectations from the government and some people, namely the declining birth rate and the decline in the population growth rate, especially in Pringsewu District. Through this family planning program the government strives to provide the maximum possible services to provide optimal results from this dynamic family planning program. To achieve this goal, the government has also taken various ways, one of which is to prepare various kinds of facilities that support the program.

Thus, I agree if the more people who become active participants in family planning, the fewer birth rates, and that will also affect the rate of population growth. The Dynamic Family Planning Program is one of the strategies made by the government and is an effective program to reduce birth rates, because the community is very easy to get this service compared to government programs that only provide counseling and cannot be proven. That is because the program has not been able to produce satisfactory results, even the results obtained otherwise. Feby Zulfa Nur Ramadhiana