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Definition of phonology

The term phonology comes from the Greek language ie phone = 'sound', logos = 'science'. so, literally is sound science. The existence of phonology is part of the branch of linguistics. Phonology is a part of linguistics that studies sound. the first object of phonological study is the sound of a language called phonetic (phonetic) and the second examines phonemes called phonemic (phonemic). Phonology is the smallest element of language or sound of language. In broad terms, phonology includes the sounds of language in general, that is, common sounds or meanings of meaning. And includes the suprasegmental elements of a single utterance, such as, pressure, tone, stop and duration.
Definition of phonology

According to Roger Lass, phonology is a sub-discipline in linguistics that studies the sounds of language. then the understanding of phonology can be narrowed down again as a sub-discipline of language studies that studies the function of language. In addition to studying the functions, behaviors, and organization of sounds as elements of linguistics, phonology also studies those which are more neutral to sounds as phonames in the physical world and physiological, anatomical, and psychological aspects, and human neurology that makes or produces sounds that. This last linguistic field is called phonetics. Phonetics studies the sounds of language concretely, while phonology is more abstract, in the sense of the concept of determining the function of the sound in distinguishing word meanings. The term phonemic is used by American linguists (L. Pike), whereas English linguists call it phonology. As a science, phonology, besides having objects, also has premises and hypothetical hypotheses. permis is a kind of basic ideas about the nature of sound in general (universal).

Statements about the existence of a minimum pair that can be used to find phonemes of a language and statements about the location or position of sounds that exclude each other, which can be used to determine the phoneme members of a language, become the basis for research activities for languages ​​in the field of phonology. This also marks phonology as a science that bases work on premises and hypotheses.

Phonology is a part of linguistics that studies sound / sound rules and how to produce them. Why is sound learned? because the most primary form of language is sound. Sound is the vibration of the air that enters the ear making a sound. Language sounds are sounds that are formed by three factors, namely breathing (as a source of energy), speech devices (which cause vibrations), and vibrating cavities (vocal cords). Phonology can be divided into phonetic and phonemic. In phonology there are phonemes, phonemes and allophones. A phoneme is a small pitch that is still abstract or not articulated. Phonemes are aspects of language in the langue aspect (the term de Sausure), for example /t/./d/, / c /. A font is a realization of a phoneme (parole), or an articulated sound (pronounced) such as {run}. Allophones are differences in sound that do not cause differences in meaning, for example / i / and / l / dlam / winsls /.