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Definition of Measurement

Measurement is the process of collecting data needed in order to give a decision on something. According to Cangelosi (1991), measurement is the process of collecting data through empirical observation. What is meant by empirical is a method or method that is done that can be observed by the human senses, so that the method or method used can be known and observed also by others (Sugiyono, 2013).
Definition of Measurement

Assessment in education is very continuous with measurement. Quantitative measurements can be divided into three types, namely:
  1. The measurement is done to test something. For example the measurements made by someone tailor of clothes.
  2. The measurement is carried out to test something. For example measuring the weight resistance of steel.
  3. Measurement to assess, that is to say the measurement is done by testing something.
  4. For example, measuring student learning progress in order to fill in the report cards made to students through learning achievement tests. This third measurement is usually used in education. Measurement of so many assessments, can be made to measure, height, weight of objects, and also measure clothing. But in the world of education measurement is the ability to learn, creativity, student activity.

While assessing is making a decision on something by basing oneself or holding on to good and bad, healthy and sick measures and so on. So that assessment is qualitative.

There are several measurement objects in the measurement field:
  1. Student achievement or learning outcomes. Achievement or learning outcomes are measured using tests. There are two types of tests viewed from the aspect of standardization, namely standardized tests and teacher-made tests.
  2. Attitude. This attitude is measured using attitude scale instruments such as those developed by Likert, differential semantics, the Thurstone scale, and others.
  3. Motivation. Motivation is measured from the form of a scale developed from motivational theories.
  4. Intelligence. Intelligence is measured using tests such as the Standfor Binet test, the Simon Binet test, the Wechsler test, and the multiple test.
  5. Talent. Talent is measured using tests such as art tests, mechanical aptitude tests, numerical aptitude tests and others.
  6. Emotional intelligence. Intelligence
  7. Interests. Interest is measured using learners' interests developed by asking theories.
  8. Personality. Personality is measured by personality tests such as the California Psychological Inventory (CPI), Pearson's sixteen personality factor (16PF) and others.

Measurement is very important for education, especially for teachers, educational institutions, students' parents and the community. For teachers the measurement is very helpful for assessing students. In schools these measurements are to estimate student achievement.