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Classification of Learning Resources

In essence, the universe is a source of learning for humans of all time. So, the concept of learning resources has a broad meaning, covering everything in the universe iin. According to the education communication technology association / AECT, learning resources include all sources in the form of data, people or objects that can be used to provide facilities (ease) of learning for students. Therefore, learning sumers are all components of instructional systems that are specifically designed and that by their nature can be used or utilized in learning activities.
Classification of Learning Resources

Indeed there are many kinds of learning resources. AECT (Association for Education and Technology) classifies learning resources into six, namely:
1. Message (Message), is learning information that will be delivered which can be ideas, facts, teachings, values, and data. In the schooling system this message is in the form of a whole course of subjects delivered to students.
2. People (People), are humans who act as seekers, keepers, managers, and presenter messages. For example teachers, lecturers, tutors, librarians, laboratory assistants, instructors, students, community leaders and so on.
3. Materials (materials / software), is software that contains learning messages that are usually presented through certain equipment or by themselves for example textbooks, modules, transparency (OHT), slides, films, audio, modules, books, magazines , etc.
4. Tools (Devices / hardware), is the hardware used to convey messages stored in materials such as OHPs, slide projectors, tape recorders, videos, computers, film projectors, and so on.
5. Technique (Technique), is a procedure or certain steps that are prepared in using materials, tools, environment, and the person delivering the message. For example demonstrations, discussions, practical work, independent learning, face to face tutorials, and so on.
6. Environment (Setting), is the situation around the occurrence of the learning process where students receive learning. The environment is divided into two kinds, namely the physical environment and non-physical environment.

Judging from the type or origin, learning resources can be divided into two types, namely:
1. Learning resources that are designed (Learning resources by design) are learning resources specifically or deliberately designed or developed to achieve certain learning goals. For example textbooks, modules, VCD learning programs, audio learning programs, transparency. CAI (Computer Asisted Instruction), programed instruction and others.
2. Learning resources that are already available and only need to be utilized (Learning resources by utilization), namely learning resources that are not specifically designed or developed for learning purposes, but can be selected and utilized for learning purposes, for example: newspapers, TV broadcasts, markets, rice fields , reservoirs, factories, museums, zoos, factories, terminals, government officials, experts, religious leaders, and others.

Although it has been conveyed in various groups, in reality the learning resources are interrelated so it is difficult to separate them. And in practice, all kinds of learning resources do not have to be distinguished because it is indeed difficult to define explicitly.