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Visual Based Learning Media

Visual Based Learning Media is a medium that involves the five senses of vision and without containing the sound element, which is able to foster student interest and can make students easily understand the contents of the material that has been delivered through the visual media intermediary.
Visual Based Learning Media

There are two types of messages that exist in visual media, namely verbal and non verbal messages. Verbal-visual messages consist of words in written form, while non-verbal-visual messages convey messages through symbols or graphic elements (Munadi Yudhi, 2008).

Forms of visual based learning media, among others: (Nugrahani, 2007, p. 38).
1) Representative images, for example drawings, paintings or photographs that show how things look.
2) Diagrams that illustrate the relationships of concepts, organization, and structure of material content.
3) Map showing the spatial relations between the elements in the content of the material.
4) Graphs, such as tables, charts (charts) that present a picture or tendency of data or between relationships of a set of pictures or numbers.

Simplicity in layout is one of the things that need to be considered in making this visual based learning media. Excessive decorations and deemed unnecessary can be removed or minimized. The attention of students must also be focused on the main ideas or the core of learning.

Images that are too abstract are not very clear to students, while images that are too concrete will also cause confusion for students. So in order to improve the effectiveness of student learning outcomes, educators or teachers must pay attention to visual readability in making visual-based learning media. (Nugrahani, 2007, p. 39).

Strengths and weaknesses of visual media learning media include:
Strengths: (Jatmika, 2005)
1) Be concrete, because we can clearly see the material that has been delivered,
2) Visual media have an attractive appearance that makes students more concentrated on the material presented.
3) Visual media can make it easier to understand and remember the material displayed.

Weaknesses: (Lestari, 2014, pp. 166-167)
1) Requires special skills in the making.
2) The manufacturing process requires quite a long time.
3) Visual media in the form of thick printed material may be boring and turn off students to read it. If the binding and paper are poor, the printed material will be easily damaged and torn.
4) If visual readability is not considered, it will make learning less effective.