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The difficulty of eliminating bad behavior (corruption)

Like a virus, corruption is easily and easily difficult to be destroyed. There is no vaccine or anti-corruption drug that is able to reduce the spread of the virus to its roots. Even superbodies in the same class as the Corruption Eradication Commission have not been able to stop the culture of corruption that is around us. Unwittingly, corruption arises from habits that are considered normal or just ordinary and are considered reasonable by the public. The act of giving a gift to a government official or employee, even his family, as a reward for a service is seen as normal or ordinary as part of the eastern culture.
The difficulty of eliminating bad behavior (corruption)

The notion of corruption has actually been stated explicitly in Law (Law) Number 3 of 1971 concerning Eradication of Corruption. Most of the notions of corruption in the law are referred to from the Criminal Code which was born before this country became independent.

If referring to Law No. 31/1999 in conjunction with Law No 20/2001 concerning the Eradication of Corruption, the habit of corrupt or arbitrary behavior, which has been considered as normal and normal or ordinary, and can be categorized as a criminal act of corruption. Granting gratuities or giving instant gifts to state administrators and relating to their position, if not reported to the KPK, can be one form of corruption that includes prohibited acts.

President's Step President Joko Widodo has issued Presidential Instruction No. 7/2015 concerning the Corruption Prevention and Eradication Action. In the presidential decree, there were 96 actions that had to be carried out during 2015.

The presidential instruction addressed to ministries or institutions as well as regional governments is intended to maximize services to the surrounding community and fortify the policy of corruption. Regarding this matter, the president hopes that the action will be done as well as possible, there will be no cheating and not just formalities. Through the presidential decree, the president also called for the elimination of complicated or complicated bureaucracy and bureaucracy.

The problem is simple, corruption has existed since the republic was founded since ancient times. The behavior of corruptors or corrupt people has been very difficult to be eliminated because it has been ingrained for decades. They (corruptors) have thousands of modus operandi to pay off state money. And they have a great desire to be able to fulfill all what is desired and justify all means. Like a general crime, corruption is always one step ahead of law enforcement. Corruption,

According to Philip (1997), it is the behavior and actions of a public official who deviates from formal or real public duties. to get personal benefits or benefits for certain people who are closely related to corruptors, such as corrupt families, friends of corrupt relatives, and corrupt friends. This understanding also includes the collusion and nepotism of giving patronage more for reasons of familial relations (ascriptive) rather than merit. The definition of corruption by Philip is centered on corruption that occurs in public offices. Second, the definition of corruption is centered on the impact of corruption on the public interest (public interest centered). It is said, corruption has occurred if a holder of power or functionary in the public position perform certain actions for people who will provide rewards, be it money or other material, thus damaging the public's position and interests.

Attorney General HM Prasetyo, Minister of National Development Planning / Head of Bappenas Andrinof Chaniago, Acting Chairperson of the KPK Taufiequrachman Ruki, and National Police Chief General Badrodin Haiti (left to right) when delivering press statements after attending a limited meeting with President Joko Widodo and a number of other ministers in the Office of President, Jakarta, Friday (6/19). The meeting discussed national strategies to prevent and eradicate corruption that was troubling the public.

The third definition of corruption according to Philip is market centered, which is taken from the results of an analysis of corruption that is examined using public and social choice theories and economic approaches in the framework of political analysis that the notion of corruption is an activity or activity by extra-legal institutions that used by individuals or groups to gain influence over existing bureaucratic policies and actions. Then it continued that the notion of corruption meant the abuse of power by an employee or government official to obtain additional income from the public.

This is what often traps someone who enters politics. In the regional head election (pilkada), for example, a prospective regional head must pay a significant amount to "buy" political vehicles, campaign costs to money politics. The question is, from where can a regional head return the investment that has been embedded during the nomination. After taking office, he cannot help but be creative in managing regional budget projects in his area. Because they have the thought that this treasure is my property, this property is mine too. So they are free to do anything and they do not want to lose big. But not all are like that. Indeed, there are some regional heads who are relatively clean and are reluctant to undermine state finances, but the amount is not large and very few can behave in a manner.

Many things make this republic fertile with corruption even though there are three law enforcement agencies, namely the KPK, the National Police, and the prosecutor's office, which have the authority to eradicate corruption. However, the deterrent effect caused by the three has not felt anything so far. In fact, as an extraordinary crime (extra ordinary crime), corruptors still get special treatment (they have money). From the level of investigation, court verdict, up to the time they hold the status of prisoners, they still get better treatment compared to the perpetrators other special penalties. Yes because they have money because money can change everything.

So, don't dream that an anti-corruption vaccine will be able to eradicate the corruption virus that has already eaten away at cells, blood, and meat. This developing country needs the ability of various parties to form a truly clean system, culture and character of the generation that can be trusted, honest and have good religion. so that the corruption virus does not spread. Because when someone has good faith, good religion, surely the behavior and attitude will be good too. Septi Endah Nur Fadila