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The Basics of Choosing Learning Media

Before we discuss the basics of learning media we must first know what learning media itself is like. Broadly speaking learning media is a tool used to deliver lessons or as an intermediary tool to deliver messages in a lesson. Before making learning media we must first know the basic considerations of choosing learning media. According to Miller, et al, as quoted by Rudi Susilana-Cepi Riyana, in the past discussions about learning media were dominated by what Dwyer called "the theory of realism".
The Basics of Choosing Learning Media

This approach assumes that perfect learning can only be achieved if visual and audiovisual materials are used that are close to reality. The more material nature of a media program that resembles reality, the easier it is for learning to occur. Quotations from (Brunner and Traver) hold that realism does not guarantee that useful information can be perceived or felt, learned, and remembered. This means that there is a possibility that a simple line drawing is better than an actual object. The basis for selecting instructional media is divided into two viz

Theoretical reasons for media selection
The most important reason for choosing media in the learning process is because it is based on the concept of learning as a system in which there is a totality consisting of a number of interrelated components to achieve goals. Efforts to realize learning objectives are supported by media that are appropriate to the material, the strategies used, and student characteristics. To find out the results of learning, then the teacher determines the right evaluation, according to the objectives and material. If the results are low then it is necessary to trace the cause by analyzing each component, so that we can know the causes more objectively.

After analyzing the objectives and material, the next step is to analyze the application of strategies and the use of instructional media. Strategy may be inappropriate for students so that it makes students passive. Boring, and saturate so that it affects the learning outcomes. But if the strategy and the media are right, then the evaluation needs to be examined whether the correct form, type, instrument evaluation and evaluation procedures. The use of media will increase the significance of learning outcomes. Thus the selection of media becomes important and this becomes a theoretical weld based on the selection of media.

The importance of choosing media by looking at the position of the media in learning can be seen with the learning system model proposed by Gerlach and Elly. Study of learning systems by Gerlach and Elly places the media component as a basic reason as an integral part of the whole learning system. Thus theoretically the model is the reason why we need to make a selection of the media, in order to have conformity with the objectives, conformity with the content, learning strategies and available time.

Practical reasons for choosing media
There are several reasons why people choose other media
a. Demonstration. In this case the media can be used as a tool to demonstrate as concepts, tools, objects, uses, how to operate, etc. The media itself functions as a learning aid.
b. Familiarity In this case the use of learning media because they are already accustomed to using the media, if using other media, it is certainly possible and to learn it requires time, energy and money. So that he continuously uses the same media.
c. Clarity. In this case the use of learning media is to further clarify the message of learning and provide a more concrete explanation.
d. Active learning. The media can do more than teachers can do. One of them is the media can play a role in making students active, both physically and mentally and emotionally. With the interesting media in learning, the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of student learning can increase.

The basis for choosing instructional media according to Azhar Arsyad quoted from Annisa Ratna Sari among other things
1. Familiarity / comfort factors
2. A feeling that the media can describe / explain better than himself
3. The media can attract students' interest and interest, and lead it to a more structured and organized presentation.
4. Media modification
5. Requires student response
6. Analyze student character
7. Barriers to development and teaching (funds, facilities, time, available resources)
8. Adjusting to the learning needs of students
9. Teachers' skills in their use

The use of media must be able to motivate students to learn, increase learning quantity, but pay attention that the media is in accordance with students' needs. Then there are also the basics of using media in teaching and learning process divided into 2 namely
a. The psychological basis of discussing the perception or introduction of the senses will be clear if the object being observed is clear. Learning experience starts from the concrete to the abstract. High interest in something or can motivate to study objects more deeply
b. Basic technology in the process of learning technology cannot be separated. In meeting their needs students need technology, therefore the use of media must be in accordance with existing technology.

Besides that, there are some basic foundations for the selection of instructional media, including:
a. Philosophical foundation that discusses the nature, methods and use values ​​or benefits
b. Psychological foundation that discusses the condition of students, student experience, and age development.
c. Historical foundation that discusses why learning media was created and used
d. The bright technological foundation of the difficulties of learning media to explain to students helps the learning to be fast and concise and efficient
e. An empirical foundation that deals with teacher interaction with student understanding,