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A noble woman who gives birth, educates and teaches. Starting from us in his stomach he has invited us to speak, chant the verses of the Holy Qur'an, patiently facing us even though he often scolded and many other small things that he did until he grew up like this. Mother will always be a guardian and merciful angel for us until the end of her life.

It turns out to be true that the reality when far more with parents is very unpleasant. missed gathering together at home, breaking the fast and breaking dawn together, fighting with brother or sister, a lot of things are missed when not with them.

Mother's prayers and mother's love will always last forever. Mothers always teach the best things for our future, give advice when we are overwritten by many problems, guide us to stay on the right path, and pray for us to be successful wherever we are.

But when we are adults it feels more and more distant with mom, not closer. As if we were able to do anything ourselves. Different with someone who does not have a mother, they feel lost they have not had time to be happy when his mother was still there. We who still have a grateful mother must be grateful, make your mother happy, make her proud of her child who is struggling for this future.

Even though sometimes mothers also upset us, silence us, but he still thinks and worries about us. Not always mom is always with us, our mother will go forever whether sooner or later. It is impossible when he left us, we feel happy but we will always miss him when the nagging is no longer heard in our ears.

We must be happy when we still have a mother, because there are still those who worry, there are still people who pay attention to us, there are still people who nag us when we are wrong, or other small things. No matter how annoying the mother is in our lives, she is still our mother.

Mother's job is not just to educate us, but she has a lot of work to do, she is a formidable figure, a winged angel figure for our lives without our mother not going to be late for school, getting up early, eating on time, and many other things. Mother's prayer even though only for a moment because he has given all the time and prayers for us.

Mothers always do everything they can to see us achieve success and success for us, even though life is at stake. Mother never expects rewards for what she has loved for us. Without us ordering mother, she will give everything she has for us. A mother's love is expensive and cannot be bought with anything.

Mother's smile makes our hearts peaceful, peaceful, and comfortable. As if - by no problems he faced, covered it up neatly without our having to know. His words of enthusiasm and words of advice are always given to us so that we remain enthusiastic to continue the future. He also tirelessly taught the meaning of life in the world, teaching the provision of life in the afterlife.

So many things mother did for us. The words of gratitude are still lacking for everything that was given from our childhood until now even until we later have a family life. Honor a woman named mother. For example, our mother today to prepare for family in the future, if our mother is still not good in teaching us because our mother still imitates our grandmother in teaching you, forgive sincerity, she only wants to make us the best children that are useful children for the world and the hereafter. .

We must inspire a mother, because from her we learn the meaning of struggle, patience, determination and love of a mother to her children. The appreciation of a mother's service is not seen from the amount of price she gives us but being a devoted child, useful to the homeland and the nation or religion is the best award we give to our mother.

In Islam it is also explained that the mother is the first madrasa for an anal. And it was also explained that heaven was at the sole of the mother's foot which was explained in the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad. The Prophet Muhammad also put mothers first, second, third, and finally the father. That is why the mother of an extraordinary noble female figure.

Love your mothers before they are not in this world, make them happy, give their best, don't make them regret the actions we make, give the best prayers for them, because God's blessing is found in the blessings of parents. Nurleila Rizqi Putri