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Development of Islam in Europe

The background of the development of Islamic religion in Europe is based on the phenomenon of the crusade related to the hatred of Christians towards Muslims because in the 8th Century AD, Islam was incessantly preaching and broadcasting Islam to remote areas, so this action considered to be threatening and destroying the glory of Constantinople as the capital of the Byzantine kingdom (Muhammad, 2017).
Development of Islam in Europe

When connected with Islamic concepts, of course it is a problem that basically can be done diplomacy and cooperate in their respective benefits, but at that time there was no organization or institution that could initiate the conflict, so that there was a Crusade. Thus, this war is aimed at recapturing the glory that has been dominated by most Muslims, and its impact is very complex, ranging from the massive losses felt by Muslims to the loss of traces of scientific development in the Islamic world and Europe, as well as the many discoveries discoveries claimed by Christians, from medicine to astronomy. Based on this phenomenon, Christians began to study the mechanisms of science and theological concepts (theology) of Islam as well, so that along with the development of civilization, Islam began to be recognized by people in the European continent, although it had not fully developed in embrace.

According to Faruqi (2015), it is stated that the majority of Muslims living in Western Europe are immigrants. While the development of Islamic religion in Europe refers to the landscape of European society including the public, political, policy and academic (education) agendas. The literature on Islam in Western Europe has grown rapidly since the late 1980s, and has increased in the last 10 years. Whereas according to Houssain (2020), it is known that the total European population increased from 548 million in 1950 to 744 million in 2020, the percentage of Muslims in Europe increased from 2% in 1950 to 6% in 2020.

In the modern scheme, the Islamic method of preaching in Western Europe, for example, provides insight into history related to the process of institutionalization, ethnic and religious diversity and forming population and organizational diversity in each country, and policies in the construction of schools and religious education, so that this method of da'wah can map the situation and history of Islam in each of the countries that have developed rapidly where people start to believe in the teachings of Islam and begin to practice it.

In Europe, Islam and its adherents consider themselves committed to the task of realizing a new world order. The development of Islam refers to the assumption of commitment as the only appropriate response to current practice because all state actions are based on making obedience and fear of God, which has ordered all humans to enter the world of peace and to regulate their affairs and regulate their lives in justice and responsible brotherhood and because of these actions is the only way to save humanity from endless competition and endless suffering in the present and can control and prevent the imminent destruction of the future (Abdul, 1993 ).

Thus, Muslim commitment on the European continent to the world order of peace, justice and brotherhood is religious and utilitarian refers to the Islamic opinion that wants world order and sacrifice to realize heroism and virtue, piety and holiness to put one's life in the actualization process in the life of actualization this.