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Computer Based Learning Media

Wilbum Schramm groups learning media into two categories namely modern media (big media) and simple media (little media). Computer-based learning media is included in the category of modern media.
Computer Based Learning Media

While Anderson gave examples of computer media groups namely computer-based media, Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) and Computer Based Instruction (CBI). (Maimunah, 2016)

The term computer-based learning generally refers to all educational software where all computer users can access and interact with the software. Many computer systems present a series of learning programs to students for example in the form of information, concepts, and exercises questions, as well as students conduct learning activities by interacting with computer systems.

Computers are used integrally in a learning process, which means that learning activities occur in two-way interactions between students and computers. (Priyanto, 2009)

So what is meant by computer-based learning media is learning media that contains interactive learning programs (software) that is a combination of text, images, graphics, sound, animation, movies, audio, and video created through application programs which can then be accessed or displayed with the help of a computer. (Priyanto, 2009)

Advantages of Computer-Based Learning Media:
1) In the computer display there are various kinds of learning program media so students or students have diverse experiences from all media.
2) Can eliminate student boredom because the media used is more varied.
3) Very good for independent learning activities.

Disadvantages of Computer-based Learning Media:
1) Requires quite a lot of costs.
2) Requires careful planning and professional staff.